I have learned a few things about women - by being one and serving them over the years.
Women want freedom to make their own decisions. This may mean saying NO. Or saying YES. Or saying I am not sure, I will need to give it some thought and circle back to you. Wielding power of choice helps us meet our own needs, while breaking the cycle of people pleasing and perfectionism.
Women crave space to truly be themselves. And that may look entirely different than the other hats they wear during the course of the day (wife, mother, caretaker, daughter, employee, employer). Simply put, she may want to wear a crazy hat because she can. And we're here to support her.
Women need time to figure stuff out. Often, we are so depleted, running from one obligation to the next, we struggle to find a moment to breathe. What do I want...to eat, to do, to not do? Women need time which allows for space to sift through ideas, emotions, and excellent memes to pass on to friends.
Each and every time I plan an event , space, or small group coaching session with the Village, I am very intentional about what the needs of women are. Because I am one too.
And I hope you know that our little Village stands behind whatever you need to grow and learn and evolve in the way that feels right to you.
Sending you big, mad love
* This photo was captured at our last retreat during our Crazy Hat Dinner...isn't Carrie jus the cutest?