I had an epiphany today: I remembered as a little girl I had my very own art table in our family room and I absolutely loved creating!
Mom was busy in the kitchen while I hunkered down coloring and painting anything I could get my little paws on. I felt very safe during these times. I was “in the flow” while Foxy ironed pillowcases or prepared pot roast for dinner. My ultimate favorite thing to do was take a large paper grocery bag, color the front with an exaggerated face, and cut out arm holes and eye holes. Then I put it on and wore it around the house, pretending to be someone else.
But then, like so many of us, I stopped making art. Sure, by the time I had the girls, we had all of the supplies - but I didn’t make time to actually sit with them. I was, well, kind of like a Busy bee. At least that’s what I told myself.
So today I did a thing. With inspiration from our little village, I made MY very own space to create WHATEVER I want. It is tucked into the corner of our living room, where I can look out front at Maggie, our beloved Magnolia tree, as she filters the afternoon sunlight through her branches. I can also easily stalk the neighbors as they walk, pushing their littles in strollers. It’s the best.
First on the agenda: watercolor trees. I don’t hate it

Today was a good day. I hope today was a good day for you too. Sending you big mad weekend love.